Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5 Crazy Months

This past saturday was Hayden's 5 month birthday!!  We have been so blessed to have him in our family.  He is the sweetest little boy in the entire world.  He has recently learned how to roll from his tummy to his back and is loving life on his tummy (so much more to see from that angle I guess)  He is the happiest little squish I have ever met.   He is loving Rice Cereal and actually gets excited when he sees it!  He loves loves loves food.  When daddy comes home from work everyday he gets the biggest grin and arms and legs flail everywhere!  He sure loves his daddy.  He does really well with people, doesn't cry when strangers hold him and LOVES to WATCH people.  He is still an exact replica of his daddy for sure.  He has elastic band thighs, ankles and wrists and we just love it. He loves to be SCARED, for instance when someone pops out of nowhere and says booga wooga or screams or says BOO he thinks it is the funniest thing ing the world.  He loves to be tipped upside down it is the funnest ever!  He loves to grab cheeks, arms, necks, anywhere he can grab skin and pinch... ouch!  He won't wear socks for more than maybe 1 minute after I put them on he pulls them off.  He likes to see himself in mirrors, and loves being outside. 
This is him watching me blog currently!  This is pretty much his ALL the time face.
This is the look he gives just about anybody that will give him the time of day!
5 Month shot!  Do I really have to sit here like this?  I'm not so sure about this.  
Why is the food gone, I want more...This is the sad face when he gets done eating...He doesn't like to stop eating.

Just like daddy

His new favorite Toy...
We love you bubba!


Katie said...

Those game paddles were an instant hit with Parker. I'm glad to see he isn't the only little guy exposed :) Thanks for the congrats...I'm due Oct 8th

Tava said...

I LOVE HIM!!! I think I need you guys need to go out again so we can hang out!