Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Surprise it's a....

BABY!!! So we went in for our 10 wk apt today and we were just supposed to hear the heart beat. The midwife did the little thing to hear the heart and couldn't.. so she decided to do an ultrasound and still no luck no baby.. So we went into the lady that is specialized in ultrasounds and she couldn't see the baby either.. i'm freaking out almost about to cry and she says well we can do one more test and so they did an internal ultrasound and THERE IT WAS healthy baby moving and wiggling with a good steady heartbeat. It measured us at exactly 10 wks 3 days so we are just where we thought we were. They said that it has longer legs than normal, and we are just so ecstatic that there is really a baby.. It definitely made it feel so much more real. We are so thankful and just so happy.


Hebdon Family said...

Yay! I'm glad all is well. The heartbeat is one of the best things to hear, it makes all the sickness worth it!

Unknown said...

I am soooooo! excited, I can hardly wait. Thats my grandbaby! Keep healthy and happy and sing to it every day. xoxo gma lola :-)

Dawson & Stacie + 4 little fellers said...

I haven't officially congratulated you on your blog yet so CONGRATS! I'm sorry your so sick! I was never really sick so I can't really relate, but Ive seen Amie and how sick she is so I feel for ya! Your going to be such a good Mom. It really is the best!