Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 26, 2011


Well I'm super behind and so I have a few posts!  This month has been so crazy with so many holidays and birthdays!  Here is just a little update of what we have been up to this month! 
The boys and their Christmas pj's from nana and papa.

the delicious dessert I made for the Cahoon family Christmas party

Cahoon family Christmas party

Great Grandma and Grandpa Cahoon

Grandpa Russ

Opening his first present at Cahoon Christmas party

Reindeer Hayden

Aunt Brittany, Grandpa Russ and Hayd

one of Hayd's many funny faces

Tyler's angry birds birthday party

Holy Smoke, he must be gettin old! *the smoke is from all the candles*

Nice jacket and sun glasses from Ron and Michelle

Boys playin with Ty's birthday balloons.

Mrs Clause *aka Gloria McCallister, we go to her house every year to look at all her Christmas decorations and she reads us a Christmas book and then we get to play the player piano and sing Christmas songs and to fnish the evening she feeds us dessert! Thank you sister McCallister

Brenda playing the player piano!

Hayden trying to ride the horse!

Hayd helping papa play

This is a long video (beware) but this is how fast he moves from one thing to the next.  If you listen closely he says doggie and cracker in this video!  He is getting so smart.

Dancing to the player piano at Gloria McCallisters house. He LOVES to dance, everytime he hears music, he starts to dance!

Papa and his 3 boys Christmas eve.  Yes hayd's binkie is upside down, what a goof, he turns it like that on purpose, silly boy!

Playing in a box Christmas eve, passing the time till Santa comes!

Santa Came, WAHOO!!! We must have been good this year! (there were 13 people here for Christmas!)

Our neatly filled stockings from Santa

Hayden opening his stokcing presents!

Aunt Kelsey is so awesome, she gave the boys matching Monster hats (so fitting for all 3 little monsters) thanks aunt Kelsey!!

Our little Monster

You don't think he is spoiled do you?  Cause we sure dont (hehe).

The new little addition to our family!  Thanks Ty and Lori!!

Most of my haul this year!! I am so spoiled! Thanks everyone!

My adorable new workout clothes, thanks mom and dad! Can't wait to try them out

Hayden's new shoes, the blue and orange ones are so flippin cute they squeek when Hayd walks and everytime he walks he gets the biggest grin on his face because his feet squeek!!! Thanks Fryers!

Most of Tyler's Haul!! 

Family of Nike's!! Loving them so far.  Aren't they all so stinking cute!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

you look AMAZING! :) I love all the pictures.