This last weekend we had quite the adventure! Tyler's family flew into town and his mom rented a van and we all piled in and drove to Blackfoot Idaho. Wow was it quite the drive or what? About 30 min into our drive Hayden started throwing up in his car seat, no not spit up, TROW UP! Oh boy, hurry tyler pull over Baby is throwing up, so off to the side of the road we undress baby and try to clean up but there was too much. We hurried to a gas station off the next exit, meanwhile while driving to the next exit I'm holding baby and he has his head on my chest and all of a sudden more THROW UP ahhh all over me literally. So at the gas station we go in taking our suitcase and change me and the babes take wipe bathes and head back to the car. While cleaning out the car seat holding baby outside again projectile VOMITING, oh my goodness baby are you ok? And still after the vomit smiles, really who smiles after throwing up? Well back in the car on our way only a few little throw ups nothing that couldn't be cleaned in the car, we finally make it to Blackfoot after a 4 hour drive to Blackfoot from Salt Lake City which is usually only maybe 3 at the most we make it at 1:30. All exhausted. What a beginning to a vacation!
Well we hung out had some fun and played on Friday and then Saturday we headed to Yellowstone park! It was so neat, it was mine and Hayden's first time and was so awesome. While eating lunch in a little park what do you know a bison walks right through the picnic area at most 10-15 ft from everyone that was there. Of course we all jumped up to go take pictures! After all the excitement, we decided to head up to see the geyser's and make the loop. Well while on our way again I'm holding baby when what do ya know the two of us are once again soaked with baby vomit, yum! We thought all was good because baby was fine on friday, well apparently we were wrong. We reach the first geyser and I quickly change in the car from head to toe. We are back in business. We saw some amazing things and really had a blast, aside from all the vomiting! Hayden was still his happy little self which made it really hard to be upset that we had to change clothes so many times. I sure love my little boy and coulen't help but feel so helpless this weekend when I coulen't do much to make him feel better. We had a fun trip thank you Lori.
It was absolutely beautiful!
at ranch saturday morning
before vomit
after vomit
Old Faithful
Who knew he had a whole valley, in Yellowstone park none the less.